Monday, November 13, 2006

Tchoo tchoo

I got a bike this weekend.
Had Indian food again( I think I must be sick, an addiction or something..I just can't get enough of it), wen to a very interesting Philipino event( katrina is Filipino), and, just had a ton of stuff to do.

I also cleaned up my computer and "organised" my sketches.
I had actually more than I thought!

Now it's monday..


  1. Fantastic compostions and colors

  2. thank you for this one, pascal. above and beyond the usual crap you put out. i think my eyes involuntarily bugged out of my head.

    what's up with elephant car?

    sorry about the bike- stolen in emeryville or SF?

  3. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Hi there !
    I found your blog surfing on some other ones, and that's a pretty good surprise ! I like the dynamic in each of your pictures. There is generally a nice mood in, maybe because of the colors you pick well.
    That's good for my eyes, thanks !

    A French fan.

  4. Wow Pascal! I love all the little details. Each little person on (and above the train) is so unique :)

  5. Sa-weet! What do you do for a living Pascal, where you have time to pump out an fantastic illustration every day?! They're great, absolutley love 'em.

  6. (^__^)
    Thanks guys!

    at the building itself.
    can you believe it?

    I work during the day for LEAPFROG, in Emeryville, California.
    I'm a secret avenger at night... or something like that..
