Monday, July 11, 2011

Signing at the Van Eaton gallery booth at Comic con

I am very excited to announce that exclusive and original Pascal Campion illustration pieces of will be featured and available only through Van Eaton Galleries (  Van Eaton Galleries are the authority of animation illustration in the West Coast (and probably the world!) and I am honored and excited to be working with them.  I'm trying new things and am pushing myself to do something special for this 5 piece series, I can barely wait to share with you the final release!

  Today is a sneak peek detail of my work , however you'll be able to see my new pieces at the Van Eaton Gallery Booth at Comicon in San Diego.  More details to come!  Lots of things happening and it's great...


Heather Dixon said...


I tried to find your booth last year and couldn't :'( But I'm excited to find it this year!

I'll probably buy about a million prints.

pascal said...

Hey Heather..
I'll be signing at the Van Eaton only a few hours per day, the rest of the time I'll be at my regular booth.
I'll make a post about that next week!
Hope to see you there.

By the way.. which prints would you like to see me carry?

KAVI said...


Jon Lankry said...

Félicitations !
WaoW l'image est super remplie !
Il y a encore tellement de vie :)

Carolyn Brajkovich said...

Congrats Pascal! You completely deserve this new happiness. Your family must be ecstatic, as well. Still get tingly whenever I see a new post from you. Also looking forward to your new book as well. YAY Pascal!!!

The next time I'm in your neck of the woods, I'm treating you. Have fun at Comic Con.

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Anonymous said...

superbe image comme d'hab'
C'est vrai que c'est bien quand il y plein de détails comme ici ! l'oeil se promène et déguste au soleil, sans modération, comme le petit couple du balcon.
et bravo aussi pour la galerie.

Dominique Lefilleul

Francis Boncales said...

beautiful pascal!!! im actually working on an environment piece that looks very similar to this!!! im using reference from pictures i took at quebec city. btw, my friend nicholas kole is gonna be at san diego comic con! hope you get to see him :]

Heather Dixon said...

I LOVE the ones with the monkeys :D Also, the happy-but-quiet family scenes. I love all of your stuff though, especially the colors. It blows my brains. What booth number are you?