Monday, February 15, 2010

Grand Rue

Inspired by one of the streets I use to walk on daily when I was in College, in the town of Strasbourg!


  1. great color scheme, and the action in those flying birds wonderful. Thanks for yet another great post.

  2. Great image Pascal.

    Actually Joy and I had a chance to visit Strasbourg in the summer of 2008. Unfortunately, we were only there for about three hours because we were on a cruise :( What we did see of the city we found really amazing. I especially enjoyed the comic shop! I want to go back someday.

  3. Love this!! Composition, colors, everything's perfect!

  4. ça donne envie d'aller y faire un tour :)

  5. Great capture of a moment1

  6. Thanks Guys!
    Barry... Wait.. WHICH comic shop? There were a few there, and, I use to live literally NEXT to one!

  7. I don't recall the name of the shop, but it was close to the cathedral in this picture:

    The shop had wall to wall, floor to ceiling book shelves with tons of french comics with great art in them. I spend some money there for sure!

  8. yup.. that's where I lived.
    Right next to the shop. there was a little place ( Place de la courtine), and I lived on the corner there, the streets that was on the other side of the shop.
    I LOVED that shop. The smell in it was awesome and if you dug through the second room, you could find GEMS!

  9. That is awesome. What a perfect place for an artist to live. I can totally see why you are inspired by that place.

    The funny thing about our time in Strasbourg was it was our 8th (or more) guided tour on the cruise we were on and we were a little tired of not seeing more for ourselves. So when our group walked by that comic shop we broke off and just hung out in there for a while drooling over the books.

  10. Ha! That's funny
